Eco-Friendly Products To Live More Sustainably
In this blog post, I’ll share with you a few of my favourite eco-friendly products that I use and love!
Are you trying to live a more sustainable lifestyle? There are so many eco-friendly products out there that can help reduce your environmental impact, but it can be hard to know where to start. So, I’m going to try to make things easier for you.
This post is all about the best eco-friendly products!
8 Best Eco Friendly Products
1. Reusable Makeup Remover Pads

Buy Reusable Makeup Remover Pads
If you’re still using cotton pads to remove makeup, this is for you! Swap them out for reusable pads. They’re so soft, and easy to clean – you just toss them in the laundry.
2. Reusable Produce Bags

Instead of using plastic produce bags they have at the grocery store, I bring my own mesh produce bags. I bought a set that has a few different sizes, and keep them tucked with my reusable bags in the car.
3. Reusable Beeswax Wrap

If you’ve never heard of beeswax wrap before, it’s basically a substitute for plastic wrap. For example, I use it to keep partially used avocados or cheese fresh in the fridge! You can buy them on a variety of sizes.
4. Travel Mug

If you are a frequent coffee/tea drinker, using a travel mug is a must! I try to keep one in my car and one at my office, since those are the 2 places I’m most likely to make a coffee run from. Some stores even offer a discount when you bring your own mug!
5. Silicone Straws

My favourite straws for drinking smoothies or iced drinks on the go are silicone straws! I have some metal straws too, but actually prefer the silicone straws since they’re more gentle on my teeth.
6. Fold-up Reusable Bag

I think everyone knows by know that reusable bags are a great way to reduce plastic bag waste. But, how many times have you been to the store only to realize you left your reusable bag in your car? That’s why I always keep one of these in my purse. I’m always prepared!
7. Reusable Snack Bags

I’m pretty sure these snack bags are for children…but hey, I love them too! I use these to pack snacks (ex. crackers, trail mix) in my lunch for work. They’re a great substitute for Ziploc baggies.
8. Laundry Strips

I recently decided to switch from traditional laundry detergent to eco-strips, and I am sooooo glad I did! Not only is the packaging better for the environment (it’s zero waste, compostable, and plastic-free!) but it will save you TONS of room compared to traditional laundry detergent.
Those are my favourite eco-friendly products! It’s all about little changes to become more sustainable, and these are just a few ways that I try to reduce my waste. I’d love to hear about any eco-friendly products you use that I should try!
This post was all about the best eco-friendly products!
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