books to inspire you

10 Must-Read Books to Inspire You in the New Year

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Read these books to inspire you and get motivated in the new year!

With the new year approaching, it’s a perfect time for reflection and learning. Books are an incredible resource to boost your motivation and inspire you to make important life changes.

I used to write off the whole “self-help” category of books as a waste of time. What a mistake that was! Books can bring a new perspective and shift your mindset in a positive way. I’ve had so many “aha” moments when reading these books.

These 10 books will inspire you in your career, personal life, relationships, and more! Some of these books are newer, some of these books are older, but all of them have impacted my life in some way – and I know they will positively impact you too!

This post is all about books to inspire you!

Books to Inspire You in 2022

1. Atomic Habits

Buy Atomic Habits

I don’t often go back and re-read books, but this book is an exception. I read Atomic Habits for the first time last year, and am re-reading it again going into 2022!

This book is incredible because it helps break down habits to such a micro level. It will help you understand how habits are formed, how to create systems in your life to support your habits, and other tangible (yet not overwhelming) ways to improve habits in your day-to-day life.

2. Deep Work

Buy Deep Work

This book has the potential to completely change the way you work. I know that sounds dramatic, but it was incredibly eye opening for me! If you’re new to the concept of “deep work”, Cal Newport breaks down exactly what that means, why it’s important, and most importantly: how to do it. 

Deep Work discusses how so much of the work we do is unfocused, unproductive, and doesn’t move the needle forwards. There’s so many tangible lessons from this book that I try to bring to my work.

3. Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance

Buy Grit

If you feel like you need a push this new year, you need to read Grit!  This book was very well researched, with lots of great examples and case studies highlighted throughout each chapter. The author argues that talent can only get you so far, whereas grit and dedication to getting better will take you to the next level. I found this book extremely motivating and encouraging to keep pursuing challenging work! 

4. The 4-Hour Workweek

Buy The 4-Hour Workweek

As someone who’s currently in a 9-5 office job while trying to make their “side hustle” work, this book really resonated with me. Spoiler alert: this book doesn’t actually suggest that it’s feasible for everyone to work only 4 hours every week. However, it encourages readers to design their lifestyle in a way that eliminates all the extra “fluff” to focus on the highest priorities. It also emphasizes the importance of experiencing life, rather than having your entire world revolve around work. This book isn’t new, but discusses topics that are still incredibly relevant today.

5. Set Boundaries, Find Peace

Buy Set Boundaries, Find Peace

This book should be mandatory for everyone in their 20s!! The author, Nedra, brings her vast experience as a therapist to help readers understand the incredibly important task of setting boundaries in relationships. Her tips aren’t too abstract, and easy to apply to your day-to-day life. I love that this book tells stories, while teaching you valuable lessons.

6. The Compound Effect

Buy The Compound Effect

Many people are are aware of the compound effect as it applies to finances, but this book applies the compound effect into other areas like health, business, and relationships. The idea that small, micro behaviours or actions can eventually compound into huge results is incredibly motivating for me. I also loved how the author emphasized how much of our life we have control over.

7. Eat, Sleep, Work, Repeat

Buy Eat Sleep Work Repeat

For 99% of the world, work is an inescapable part of our daily life. So, why not figure out ways to find enjoyment and make work a more positive experience? If you’re someone who’s struggling a bit with motivation in your job, I highly recommend this book for you. The author has a positive, encouraging tone that can give you the boost you need to re-imagine your relationship with work.

8. Get Your Sh*t Together

Buy Get Your Sh*t Together

As someone who tends to gets stressed out navigating what I should do versus what I want to do, this book is incredibly helpful. I loved the conversational tone of this book, and how the author actually helps you avoid overcomplicating things by making a step-by-step plan. This is a perfect book to read leading into the new year since it’s all about sorting out your life and getting things done!

9. Mastery

Buy Mastery

This book has such a simple concept – it’s all about mastering your craft, whatever that may be in your life! It’s definitely a more dense book, I wouldn’t consider this one a “light read” by any means! But I found it jam packed with important lessons about finding your “Life’s Task”, the power of continual learning, and how pushing outside your comfort zone can pay off.

10. How to Stop Feeling Like Sh*t

Buy How to Stop Feeling Like Sh*t

If you like the book You Are a Badass, then you’ll love the straight-forward, blunt tone of this book. The author discusses 14 habits that don’t serve us, which I think are incredibly relatable. It’s a perfect self-improvement book for the new year! 

This book is similar in some ways to Atomic Habits, but has a different approach. The chapters highlight a habit, where that habit originates from, and poses potential solutions. I love the flow of the book and the “realness” of its tone.

This post was all about books to inspire you in the new year!

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