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Apartment,  Lifestyle,  Organization

Simple Ways to Keep Your Home Clean and Organized

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In this blog post, I will share with you my best tips to keep your home clean and organized!

Do you feel like you’re constantly cleaning your home, but it never stays clean? It can be so frustrating to feel like your home is always messy.

For me, a cluttered home means a cluttered mind. I find it so hard to relax in a space that’s cluttered and messy. So, I’ve figured out a few ways to clean and organized my home … and keep it that way!

This post is all about ways to keep your home clean and organized!

How to Keep Your Home Clean and Organized

1. 10 Minute Tidy

bedroom before and after 10 minute cleanup
A before & after of my bedroom this morning. I know the before is crazy…. I move around a lot in my bed at night!

I’m putting this tip first, because this has by far been the biggest game changer for me! When my home is looking a little messy, I set a 10 minute timer on my phone and clean as much as I can in this time. It’s incredible how much better your home will look in just 10 minutes! Even if I’m really busy, I can always find 10 minutes.

2. Keep Surfaces Clear

Nightstand with photo frame and lamp
I keep surfaces like my nightstand as clear as possible.

When items are kept on surfaces (ex. countertops, dressers), it creates visual clutter. Also, it’s much harder to clean when you have clutter on your countertops- you have to move every item just to wipe down the surface! Of course, you can keep a few essentials or items that you use daily on your surfaces, but really try to limit them. Instead of keeping everything on countertops, make use of drawer space, and use storage baskets/boxes/bins (see next tip!) to keep your loose items organized.

3. Use Baskets, Boxes and Bins to Organize

White and black storage baskets in closet
Storage baskets in my closet keep items I don’t use as often like travel products!

Storage baskets, boxes and bins should be your best friends. They can help organize drawers, keep similar items together, and overall reduce clutter! You can also have fun with the patterns and colours, make them a part of your home decor!

Shop some cute storage baskets here:

Canvas Fabric Cube

Cotton Rope Basket

Cotton Storage Basket

3. Use Products Completely Before Purchasing More

Multiple bottles of leave-in conditioner
Try to limit the number of duplicates you have in your household. If you have more than one, only use one at a time and store the others until you’re ready to use them.

“Stocking up” was a hard habit for me to break. I used to have probably 3 bottles of lotion on the go, or 4 different types of leave-in conditioner. When you have so many products, it takes forever to use them up, and they’ll hang around in your cupboards for so much longer. Instead, use one at a time, and only buy a replacement once the item you’re using is completely used up. If you already have several multiples, only keep one in your drawer, and keep the others in a storage box until you’re completely finished the one you’re using.

4. Declutter Often- Not Just Clothes!

Clothing rack with clothes and shoes
Declutter your closet frequently, but don’t stop the decluttering there!

One of the places that can become the most cluttered is your closet. I highly encourage you to go through your closet every season and get rid of what you don’t wear, what doesn’t fit you, etc.

But, cleaning out items shouldn’t just be limited to your closet. You should also clear out your pantry, storage containers, bookshelves, and any other areas where items tend to collect. This will help you get rid of unused products, and will also prevent you from buying items you already have. Have you ever bought detergent just to realize you had some at the back of your cupboard? Frequent de-cluttering is a great way to combat this issue.

6. Go Paperless!

Four white file folders on a grey carpet
I recently scanned a bunch of papers (receipts, etc) I had, and it saved so much space in my desk!

Generally speaking, paper=clutter. Whenever possible, try to go digital! There’s no need for paper copies of things like credit card statements or phone bills, these can all be accessed online. If you do have a stack of paper documents, I recommend you scan them and get rid of the paper copies if you can!

7. Make a “Home” For Every Item

Wallet, keys, sunglasses, and change on a tray
Have a dedicated spot for every item in your house!

There’s nothing worse than constantly forgetting where you left your keys, your notebook, or your purse. That’s why it’s so important that all of your items have a “home”. There should be a spot for each item in your house, so when you pick something up, you know where to return it.

8. Establish a Cleaning Routine

Weekly cleaning schedule
A cleaning routine will help you keep organized!

Setting up a regular routine can be really helpful to stay on top of your cleaning. It helps avoid messes from piling up. Everyone’s preferences for cleaning will differ, but you should generally thing about what tasks need to be done weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, seasonally, etc. Having a cleaning routine can also set standards for other household members, if you share your space!

Those are all my tips to keep your home clean and organized! If you tried any of these tips or have some of your own hacks, make sure to comment them below!

Learn more organization tips here!

This post was all about how to keep your home clean and organized!

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